You may find yourself feeling joyful and satisfied with your life today, which may be the result of experiencing recent success in your work or personal endeavors. While you likely still have bigger goals in mind, you might want to take advantage of your joyful mind-set and simply allow yourself to bask in good feelings today. As often as possible, simply pause whatever you are doing and call up feelings of well-being, happiness, and gratitude for your life as it exists in this moment. If you can do this with situations that usually cause frustration, the positive effects can be even more powerful. Simply allow yourself to dwell on the positive benefits of every situation, or at least embrace each experience for the growth potential it provides.

Expressing gratitude and joy about our lives as they exist in the present moment calls forth abundant energy to manifest even more to be thankful for. While most of us do feel thankful for the positive aspects of our lives, we rarely take time to bask in the feelings and therefore miss out on a lucrative creative opportunity. Remembering that our emotions carry great creative power, we can see the wisdom of immersing ourselves in feelings of joy, gratitude, and well-being. As we do so, we automatically generate positive energy that can attract even better circumstances, which creates more reasons to be thankful, and the cycle can continue infinitely. Basking in your feelings of joy and gratitude will help you co-create more abundance with the universe today.