A need to bond more deeply with those people you care about may come over you suddenly today. The realization that your relationships are not as close as you might wish them to be can be intensely jarring. However, you will likely respond by looking for opportunities to nurture your familial ties and friendships proactively rather than by becoming despondent. The heartfelt and open manner in which you approach interpersonal interactions can endear you to your loved ones, helping you achieve your goal of greater connectivity. You may find that as you honestly express your wish for more closeness in your relationships today, the people most important to you react to your entreaties by opening up to you and allowing you to see into their souls.

Honesty is the keystone of any good relationship, and the simplest way to take our interpersonal bonds to the next level is to commit to always being truthful with others. In creating a new precedent of integrity and frankness within our friendships and familial relationships, we demonstrate that we not only feel comfortable trusting the people we care about but also that we are not afraid to express our vulnerabilities. When we are committed to honesty, we speak our minds without fear of rejection or reprisal. Our loved ones know that we will never withhold the truth, even when the truth is difficult. Through candor, we find the common ground that brings us closer together. The honesty with which you approach relationships today will help you achieve the closeness you desire.