You might feel bold about taking on new projects today, which could be the result of your inner sense of daring and self-confidence. Since knowing what you want and being able to go after it can make it easier to embark on ventures that might have some risk involved, you may want to bring greater awareness to the decisions you make. You might try to first assess your comfort level with the choices that you are presented with. For each choice you can, for example, imagine the outcome and where that may take you, keeping in mind that the most straightforward path is not always the route that will lead to the greatest gains both in terms of results and your overall process of evolution. Using your sense of assurance to move in a new direction today could take you to places you may never have envisioned.

Moving forward in life is only possible when we approach situations with a desire to break free from our normal ways of doing things. Although if we have too much confidence in ourselves, we might take risks that are unnecessary--chances that can lead to something hinder instead of advance our growth. Listening to our intuition, however, allows us to use both our sense of adventure and rationality in order to move in a direction that is fresh and new, which can pave the way for greater personal transformation. By embracing your opportunities boldly, you will make the decisions that will work best for you today.