Connecting from the Uplift

Capricorn Horoscope

December 7, 2016

You may be feeling very excited about your life today. This may be because you are in an upbeat mood or looking for opportunities to share ideas with others, engage in mentally stimulating activities, or pursue a new discipline. Others may see you today as particularly charismatic and feel drawn to you. You may also be even more adept than usual at persuading others. You can take advantage of your social mood and positive outlook by organizing a party where you include individuals whose ideas you find intriguing as well as individuals who stimulate you emotionally. Taking a class or joining a discussion group today may also help you find the social interaction you crave.

When you are in an upbeat and charismatic mood, the people you encounter will be more likely to respond positively to your thoughts and ideas. A bright outlook and enthusiastic nature tends to attract others and inspire them to be more receptive. Because you are being optimistic, others will feel similarly optimistic regarding your words and actions. Likewise, your enthusiasm can inspire others and persuade them to feel strongly about the same situations and concepts that move you. People naturally want to spend time with an individual who is stimulating and engaging. Engage with others in open dialogue today, and your upbeat mood should help generate some stimulating and persuasive conversations.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Intimacy Without Responsibility

by Wendyne Limber

It is possible to speak your truth, have a voice, and re-program conscious and unconscious beliefs that say you are responsible for another person's feelings or happiness. You can move past your fear of being real and experience the conscious evolution of love, which includes deep integration of the universal spiritual principles of relationship attraction and being. Experiencing freedom within in a relationship, whether it be with an intimate partner, family member, friend or colleague, requires becoming very clear about the roles we play for one another. Having intimacy without responsibility for others is about practicing the art and skill of freedom within the relationship, and moving toward more love and self-care. When we truly heal and take care of all of our own issues, we are able to love more deeply.

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