You could feel obsessive and emotional today. You may notice that your moods are having an effect on your thoughts, which could cause you to become compulsive and scattered. If you can set aside time to be alone and focus on quieting your mind, you will feel your emotions become calmer as a greater sense of peace fills you on the inside. You may find it helpful to explore your emotions more closely to determine why you feel the way you do. If you understand clearly what is upsetting you today, you will be better able to work through issues and release your turbulent thoughts. Focus on releasing tension in your body, calming your emotions, and fostering more positive thoughts.

Consciously choosing to adopt a serene state of mind can allow us to take control of our moods. It is easy to forget that our moods are heavily influenced by our thoughts. When our moods begin to fluctuate wildly, we can choose to take control of our emotions by exploring the reasons behind our inner chaos. Working through internal conflicts and then choosing to let go of negative thoughts can restore our serenity. Rather than wallowing in internal turbulence, we can feel peaceful. By choosing to take control of your thoughts today, you will be able to calm your emotions.