You may feel self-indulgent today and experience a pull toward excess. A healthy way to channel your desires is by choosing to practice moderation. Since cravings can be satisfied in many ways, you might think about different kinds of experiences that can serve the same purpose today. For example, a desire for passionate romance might be served by immersing yourself in a beautiful setting that soothes your soul, while a craving for rich sweets might be satisfied by experimenting in the kitchen until you find a healthier alternative. It is also important to understand that cravings are often a mirror for emotional needs that aren't being satisfied, and reflecting on your desires can often reveal what it is that you truly crave.

Exploring the feelings behind our cravings and making an effort to practice moderation when indulging ourselves can help us create more balance and enjoyment in our lives. We often crave an activity or substance because of the feeling it can provide for us. If we instead learn to explore our cravings and decipher what we truly need at that moment, we will be better able to fulfill our needs. This gives us the freedom to indulge in cravings periodically without overdoing it and live our lives in a more conscious manner. Reigning in your desires and making an effort to explore them fully today can help you better understand and fulfill your needs as they arise.