You could feel uninhibited by the constraints of others, which may mean that you feel free to follow your own desires and dreams today. Releasing yourself into the joys of being in your body might help you liberate yourself from the negative thoughts you may hold onto. Perhaps you can try expressing yourself freely through some form of dance or spontaneous movement in order to connect to your inner boundless self. As you move, you may want to focus on your heart center. By placing your attention at your heart you might notice a sensation of opening--feelings of love, exuberance, and liberation--which is your body connecting to your spirit. Through this connection, you may find the fears and troubles that usually arise during the day will melt away today.

Moving freely and without inhibitions is a wonderful way to create a deeper link to the joy that is our spiritual self. Feeling the way the movement of our bodies makes our heart sing harkens back to when we were children and didn't worry about what others thought of us. We were present in our bodies, felt wonder at what we were able to do with them and how they made us feel. Getting back in touch with this innocence lets us become more flexible and willing to explore what feels right for us. By using your body to become attuned to the carefree, natural, and spontaneous part of yourself today, you will open yourself more deeply to your spirit and experience greater delight in simply being.