You may feel generous today, with a desire to share your financial abundance with others. You might take some time to think about worthwhile charitable organizations that would welcome a monetary donation, especially those that don't receive a lot of publicity. For example, you could explore your local area and find the smaller soup kitchens, food pantries, and homeless shelters that may be most in need of some help. At the same time, you might go through your home and see if you have clothing, blankets, or books that you could donate. The physical objects you give to others are secondary to the intentions in your generous heart, which is what others will really see when you reach out to them today.

Expressing our generosity to others puts forth positive energy that blesses the recipients and returns to us in the form of increased abundance. While our feelings of generosity inspire us to give without thought of compensation, the universe automatically repays us for our kind deeds. Not only are we blessed with a feeling of satisfaction and empowerment for our ability to help others, the return of positive energy we extend to others will be returned to us also. In this way, our good deeds not only bless others, they bless us in the form of an ongoing cycle of positive energy. As you bless others with a generous spirit today, know that you are also calling in positive energy to enhance your own life.