You may feel courageous and full of confidence today, which could lead you to take on difficult challenges. Your confidence in your own capabilities might also tempt you to take action without adequate preparation, and you may benefit from taking some time to evaluate your plans and clarify your desired outcome today. If you make a detailed list of clear action steps that will lead you to the achievement of your goals, you will have a better idea of which actions are productive and which may be counterproductive. With this new knowledge and insight about your goals, you can then simply allow your courage and confidence to lead you to the outcome you desire.

By forming an organized plan of action and clarifying the action steps needed to achieve our goals, we can reduce unnecessary delays and increase our chances for success. A strong sense of confidence and courage can often urge us to move ahead blindly because we are so certain our actions will lead us to success. While we may get lucky occasionally, we can greatly enhance our chances for success if we take the time to plan and prepare before taking action. Simply by reviewing our plans and determining effective action steps, we are providing a firm direction in which we can direct our courage and confidence, which enhances our chances for success. By using an organized plan to direct your strong confidence and courage today, you can be sure you are taking decisive action toward the achievement of your goals.