You may find yourself drawn to activities that allow you to examine your inner landscape today. If you have lately been pondering introducing certain changes into your life, this can be a fine time to mull over the possibilities before you. Whether you choose to meditate or simply make a thorough examination of your personal history, you will likely come to realize that you already know the answers to the seemingly unanswerable questions you are facing. Introspection can also help you better understand those aspects of your personality that have presented an enigmatic façade in the past. If you look within with an open mind today, you may find that the wisdom you have dreamed of acquiring already exists in your soul.

Each us has an internal cache of wisdom that holds the answers to almost all the quandaries we have contemplated in the past and will contemplate in the future. Yet many people are hesitant to consult their own self-knowledge before they believe that the best answers can be found only in outside sources or because they distrust themselves. When we have faith in the fact that we innately know what is best for ourselves, we can delve into our own souls in order to discover the wisdom within. Though we may have to peel back several layers before finding the knowledge we seek, our efforts represent the first step in achieving comprehension of the self that goes far beyond the superficial. The focused reflection you engage in today will help you find the wisdom interred deep within you.