You may feel compelled to express your generosity and selflessness today. A sincere desire to help the world and improve the lives of people in need can lead you to seek out opportunities to work closely with the homeless, use your professional skills to aid a charitable organization, or share your worldly abundance with people affected by disaster. If your motivation is purely altruistic in nature, you may find that you feel good about the positive contribution you are making, even when you don't receive recognition. You'll likely help others joyously, even when you realize that circumstance prevents you from accomplishing as much as you would like. As you revel in the gratitude of those you help today, you may be inspired to make charitable work a regular part of your schedule.

When you are guided by true altruism in your humanitarian efforts, you'll find contentment in doing all that you can for your fellow human beings. Often, we embark upon journeys of charity in order to further personal goals or gain recognition only to discover that our efforts net pitiable and frustrating results. Philanthropic actions undertaken in a spirit of giving, however, touch people's hearts and souls deeply. As you dedicate yourself to selfless service, you'll be more apt to endeavor to make the most of your cache of resources, whether large or small. You'll never bemoan your inability to change the world. Rather, you'll shout for joy at your ability to improve one life. When you approach charity with altruism in your heart today, you'll find pleasure in doing what you are equipped to do.