You may feel unfocused and find yourself drifting into daydreams today, even as you try to stay on top of your tasks and obligations. Perhaps there are pleasant memories floating to the surface of your mind. You may find it easier to concentrate today if you quiet your mind through meditation. You could try lying down or sitting comfortably so that your weight is supported by the earth. Once you're positioned comfortably, try relaxing all of your muscles, including those in your shoulders, around your jaw, eyes, and forehead. Try to be still while letting the muscles in your body relax. Pinpoint and listen to the silence. If your thoughts begin to drift, draw your attention back to the silence.

When we meditate, we make it easier to concentrate our attention on the tasks at hand. Meditation allows us to stop the mind-chatter and regulate the flow our thoughts. External distractions can have little impact on us when there is nothing in our minds but peace and quiet. At the end of our practice, we are free to turn our attention to what we choose. The activities we engage in afterward can only benefit from our time of quiet. Use meditation to create an atmosphere of inner calm and quiet when you feel scattered or distracted today, and you will be able to concentrate on your activities and obligations afterward.