You may feel uncertain about your long-term plans today. You could be struggling with worries about your own capabilities or obsessing about obstacles you might face as you pursue your dreams. While your fears may be valid, focusing on them can only be counterproductive to your goals. Rather than expecting the worst and giving in to anxiety today, you may want to instead spend some time bolstering your thoughts with confidence and optimism. Simply release your fears and affirm that the universe wants you to be successful. Mentally visualize yourself with the confidence and determination to push through any obstacles, and know that your positive mind-set will provide the stamina you need to create your desired outcome.

Consciously choosing to expect the best as we pursue our goals helps us release our fear and doubt and gives us the confidence to persevere through all challenges. Having doubts about our ability to succeed is normal, but allowing these thoughts to run rampant will cause us to hold back from giving our best effort to our goals. If we take a moment to remember that a positive outcome is just as possible as a negative one, we will gain the optimism to believe in the possibilities for creating more fulfilling life circumstances. Not only do optimistic thoughts make us feel more confident and hopeful, they can also lend crucial energy to the formation of the outcome we desire. The more time you spend visualizing success and prosperity today, the more likely you are to create it in your life.