A talkative mood may be much improved today by the natural eloquence and ebullience you seem to embody. You may feel a distinct and pressing need to share pleasantries with the people you encounter. Though there may be matters of great import to discuss, you will likely be drawn into conversations that allow you to express your cleverness and sense of humor. Your ability to articulate your thoughts and feelings may be heightened today, and this can ensure that you do not miss out on any opportunities to convey the notions you wish to share. If you are friendly without fail, you will likely never be without willing listeners.

However much we prize the intellectually and emotionally charged conversations we have with the people whose intellectual prowess and opinions we greatly respect, we should try to remember that there is value in the playful chatter that we occasionally share with our family and friends. We are by our very natures witty and clever, yet we may encounter few situations in which this part of ourselves can be given free reign. Among those who love us, we can be silly with our speech without sacrificing our dignity or offending those who believe play to be inappropriate. It is while engaging in this type of communication that we can let our true selves shine forth because we know that our loved ones will be more than pleased to join in the fun. The witty banter you exchange with others today will provide a welcome counterpoint to your many serious conversations.