A self-assured frame of mind can bolster your confidence and stimulate your ambition today. Even if you questioned your ability to live independently in the past, you will likely feel secure enough in your aptitudes and talents to go forth into the world on your own. Since you likely sense that your safety and stability will persevere throughout any trials that lie ahead, you may find it a simple matter to challenge yourself personally and professionally. Activities you might once have deemed somewhat taxing or even highly difficult may come naturally to you today. The successes you earn will likely enable you to build a foundation from which you can explore your potential.

We are most apt to thrive when we feel secure in ourselves and our resources because we are then able to devote a significant portion of our time and energy to pursuits related to our individual evolution. This security creates a foundation that protects us from the damaging effects of failure, giving us the confidence that allows us to test our limits. We feel comfortable straying outside the borders of our usual comfort zones because we understand that no matter what befalls us, we will be equipped to continue on life's journey. Though we may rely on others for support, we recognize that we are fully capable of caring for ourselves through thick and thin. The self-assurance you feel today will help you feel safe as you strive to realize your soul's purpose.