While participating in group activities today, you could find yourself being outgoing and putting others at ease. This may be because of your familiarity with the group that you feel like one of its hosts, welcoming people into the community. Your friendliness exudes a desire to be supportive, making others feel comfortable to come to you for help or advice. At their best, all communities offer a sense of family, each member playing their own roles within a diverse group. From a highly organized charity to a garage band, all thrive when they have a friendly and supportive person to reach out to the other members. Today you are the friendly one, making the group feel like a circle of friends offering a welcoming hug.

Many who join organizations may not have a background that includes a positive model of a family, or they may feel they are lacking it in their present lives. Some people are just seeking a place where they feel included and accepted, which is easier for some of us than others. By offering a friendly greeting and acknowledgement of their presence, you can nurture a starving soul. It is a simple act, but conveys connection and can be deeply meaningful to the recipient. When you go beyond mere friendliness to watch out for those that may need some support, you are truly offering a gift that can make all the difference in the world to someone. Today when you offer your hand in friendship and welcome, you give the gift of love.