You may feel assertive today and find it easy to speak your mind. Perhaps you are enjoying a sense of increased confidence and empowerment that allows you to offer helpful advice to others. You could use this assertiveness to your advantage by seeking opportunities to help yourself and others. You might look around for situations where you can implement positive changes, or you could think about the circumstances you want to create in your life and create a manifestation plan. Because you may feel extremely confident today, you may want to temper your assertiveness with compassion and kindness. If you can tell the truth to others in a gentle and considerate manner, you can be sure that you won't push people away or alienate them with your forceful demeanor.

Learning how to balance our assertiveness with compassion can make our interactions with others more positive and productive. Building up our self-confidence and learning how to assert ourselves are worthwhile endeavors, unless we allow our growing assurance to have a detrimental effect on our relationships. Instead of coming across as too pushy or forceful, we can learn the art of gentle communication while speaking our truth at the same time. We can then get our points across, offer helpful suggestions and advice, and encourage growth in our relationships without pushing others away. With a little concentrated focus today, you can learn to express your assertiveness in empowering ways and with positive results.