Today, you will likely spend a great deal of your time thinking of new and interesting ways of connecting with the people important to you. Because you appreciate the roles they play in your existence immensely, you may be inspired to tell them exactly how you feel. As you remind relatives and friends how much you love them, you will no doubt be reminded of how wonderfully they have treated you. Your focus may be on unity today, as you likely regard the presence of your loved ones as an important element of your wellbeing. This can be the perfect day to compose letters of affectionate gratitude that help others understand how much you care.

We should not discount the wonderful bonds we share with the people we care about when we are mulling over the resources that add value to our lives. While we may not feel comfortable counting our friends and relatives as commodities, it is not difficult to see that they improve our day to day experiences in a measurable way. Reminding ourselves of this fact is a matter of simply acknowledging the important roles our loved ones play in our existence. When we regularly thank them for their contributions, we ensure that they will continue to be there for us. The people we care about may be surprised at our gratitude, but they will ultimately be pleased that we think of them as gifts for which we can be grateful. You will sense a deeper connection developing in your closest relationships today when you treat your loved ones as treasures.