Grasping Your Abundance

Capricorn Horoscope

December 3, 2016

Your assessment of your own resources may be more grounded in reality than usual today. Since you are likely taking advantage of opportunities to use your time, money, skills, and connections to help those less fortunate cope with difficult circumstances, you may have a greater understanding of the positive impact wealth can have on the world. Likewise, you may feel affluent and influential today because you are making use of the blessings given to you by the universe in a selfless and affirmative fashion. Consequently, you may feel both prosperous and eager to share your abundance with individuals who can benefit more from your wealth that you yourself can.

We can easily comprehend how truly blessed we really are by willingly sharing the abundance we have accrued over time with those less fortunate. As we see how much good our own limited resources can do when used to improve the lives of others, our eyes are opened to the relative richness of our circumstances. We can no longer deny that we have been afforded many wonderful opportunities or claim that we are in some way disadvantaged by situations beyond our control. In fact, our main focus is redirected outward each time we give generously of our wealth, causing us to let go of any greed or envy lingering within us. We become increasingly satisfied with what we already have and more apt to make charitable use of our resources. The more you give today, the better you will comprehend the prosperity of your existence.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

21 Days to Drop Your Emotional Baggage

by Grant Connolly

Let go of the unconscious reasons why you find yourself unhappy, unhealthy and/or financially challenged in life, and get on your way to becoming healthy, wealthy and wise. Through this 21 day course with Hypnotherapist, Grant Connolly, you will have the opportunity to experience 30 minutes of deep peace and emotional balance each day. As you feel better and better, you will also be easily and naturally releasing old issues from the past that prevent you from loving yourself and your life. Through these lessons, you will experience a definite shifting away from stress to ease in all areas of your life. You will sleep better and more deeply, and wake rested and refreshed. You will have a noticeable feeling of deep unshakable calm more of the time, and the capacity to live fully and passionately in each moment, rather than living in a painful past or an imagined future.

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