Your heart may go out to your loved ones today as you are reminded of how fond of them you are. This tender mood can prompt you to look for ways of showing friends and relatives that they are still a valuable part of your life. You may find, however, that declarations of feeling seem insufficient and that the people closest to you are not currently in need of any assistance you can provide. Today can, therefore, be the perfect day to sit down with the important people in your life so you can thank them for all they have done for you, as expressions of gratitude will likely touch them more deeply than simple words of love.

The gratitude we feel for the presence of our loved ones in our lives becomes valuable when we channel it into actions that make the people we care for feel truly appreciated. However, while it is easy to experience thankfulness, it is far more difficult to find opportunities to articulate those feelings. The important individuals in our lives may not need our assistance or feel they are deserving of the gifts we wish to give them. Oftentimes, a direct approach is the best strategy to employ when we are trying to show others how much they mean to us and how grateful we are for everything they have done for us. A simple "thank you" can be one of the most treasured gifts we can give. Your gratitude will be evident in your words today when you thank your loved ones for being there for you.