Paying close attention to the motives of others, especially when doing business together, may be a good way to channel your careful and guarded energy today. This may allow you to discern if your associate is sincerely seeking a mutually beneficial relationship, or perhaps is not divulging his or her true intentions. Your vigilance may be especially helpful in cases where people are not aware of their own motivations. When this is the case, they can be sincere in the moment but in the next are susceptible to other suggestions that may appeal to their subconscious. When you use your powers of observation in conjunction with your intuition today, the character and motive becomes transparent, allowing you to make the most beneficial choices.

With any partnership, people working at cross purposes will have difficulty achieving their goals. Ulterior motives drain the energy out of any endeavor by splitting it between appearance and undertone. If we enter into a partnership where we feel a lack of trust, our energy will be divided between our work and protecting our interests. When a partnership is based on mutual respect and agreement on a common goal, all the energy can be directed positively, accomplishing more with less effort. When we are willing to reject partnerships that require the effort of remaining constantly vigilant, we will create space for better partnerships to enter. When we declare our integrity to the world today, like minds and spirits will be drawn to us and we can focus entirely on attaining our goals together.