Your suspicions may be awakened by others' words and behaviors today, even if they have given you no cause to doubt their honesty. You are likely in a skeptical and guarded mood, so you may feel it is necessary to err on the side of caution when interacting with people in the various spheres of your existence. Adopting this attitude can actually prevent you from connecting with those individuals who have similar needs and goals today. If you reach out to potential partners in a trusting fashion, you may be pleased to discover that these individuals live up to the faith you place in them.

When we assume that others are telling us the truth until they give us a reason to believe otherwise, we need not doubt the motives of those with whom we are called upon to collaborate. While deeper levels of loyalty require time to develop, the trust that allows us to work and play with people who fall outside of our immediate networks of support is dependent on our ability to believe that most individuals want to be healthy, happy, and fulfilled. Accepting this allows us to interpret the information given to us at face value as we feel no need to judge the legitimacy of their words. Our confidence will then inspire our cohorts to afford us a similar degree of trust, even if they, too, feel somewhat guarded. Your suspicions will disappear today as you come to believe that others are motivated by the same desires that motivate you.