You may be moved to help people in need around the world today by contributing to humanitarian projects. Because your desire to be charitable feels so big, you may want to give in a way that allows you to direct your energy to help people far away, like a projection of light across the surface of the planet. This sentiment may also encourage you to give selflessly and with gratitude for all that you have that can be shared. Today by acting on your intention to help, you are able to send your energy and light across the world to make a difference.

It may not be apparent in our daily lives, but we are all connected. Everyone in the world affects the energetic balance of the planet. All of our thoughts contribute to an aggregate collection that affects each and every one of us, as well as affecting the physical world we all share. Our intentions, directed toward peace and healing, can shift the world's attention this direction. Like people on a boat, if we all run to one side, the balance will be affected as well as the course. When our intentions and our actions come together to work toward a common goal, we can change the world. Today by taking that step to manifest your intentions, you join with others who are helping to shift the balance and adjust our course toward peace and plenty for all.