You may recognize today that your skills and talents are useful tools for getting things done. Knowing that you are able to get things done well could make you feel more confident in yourself and your abilities. Even though feeling competent is an essential part of your working life, perhaps today you can consider practicing the art of humility. Being humble doesn't mean that you don't recognize or undervalue your talents; it simply means you understand that much of what you are able to achieve is because the universe is working through you. Looking at your work in this way may change your idea of what you truly produce. Instead of feeling a false sense of pride in what you do, having this viewpoint can help you create a deeper connection to your higher self, knowing that by using your talents you serve a greater purpose.

Recognizing that the universe works through us gives us a greater appreciation of what we are able to accomplish. Once we realize that our gifts are simply a way to serve the universe's purpose, we lessen the amount of false pride we have in our work. Instead, our work takes on a deeper meaning since we know that our achievements are due entirely to the guidance and love of the universe. Our work, then, is more than merely getting things done; it is a way to serve and honor the universal spirit that resides in all of us. By seeing the source of your talents today, your work will have greater meaning for you.