You might feel the spark of inspiration today which could be the result of your gifted approach to your decision-making. This feeling of creativity could arouse in you the desire to do something that feeds your spirit. Perhaps you may want to tap deeper into your inner muse and engage in an activity that encourages your creativity to flow. Consider setting aside time just for yourself. You might take up your pen or paintbrush and write a song, poem, or paint a picture, or you could try something more tactile such as pottery or knitting. You may discover that your creativity is all-absorbing and that you feel energized and motivated by your activity. As you work, pay attention to how present you are with what you are doing, and you may notice that everything you do comes to you more easily today.

Giving ourselves time to create allows us to access our inner sources of inspiration. Our lives are often filled with routine activities that require little or no creativity. It can be easy to become overly involved in the mundane aspects of our lives and allow our creative activities to fall by the wayside. But when we make space for creativity in our lives, we open ourselves to our imagination. Our ability to make life decisions becomes infused with our inspiration, and the creative vision of our lives expands. By exercising your talents through creative activities today, you will fill the rest of your life with your gifts.