You may feel industrious today and want to work hard to make things happen. You may be on the ball where your responsibilities are concerned, knowing where you're needed and what you need to do next to meet your goals. Perhaps you have errands to run and are getting them done quickly. Or maybe you're coming up with plans for the week ahead, and your ideas are flowing easily and effectively. You might think about making a prioritized list of goals you'd like to achieve. Today is the perfect day to pick one goal and allow your momentum to get you started on achieving your ambitions. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Stay focused on each task, and you'll be amazed at how much you accomplish.

Seeing to our tasks and responsibilities creates a comfortable rhythm of productivity. There is no finer feeling than identifying a need and successfully meeting that need. When we fulfill our responsibilities, we are actively and triumphantly participating in our lives. The feeling of accomplishment and self-satisfaction that results from such successes is the perfect motivator to inspire and enable us to do even more. Spurred by the gratification of working effectively, we enjoy showing up and suiting up for life. Go with the flow of your industrious mood today, and you will have a productive and gratifying day.