Today you may be feeling insightful. This could be because of inspiration from your dreams or you may have received important insights during your time of meditation, either of which could help you to return to the waking world with an increased awareness. It may also have been a choice you made to connect more fully to the world around you, or the result of a particular interaction with another. Whatever has brought the feeling of insightful consciousness to you today, you can allow it to lead you to a greater understanding and appreciation of your life and your relationships with others today.

Being insightful doesn't necessarily require anything more than the desire to be more fully awake to life. Meditation can help us achieve that because in that time we shut out distractions and focus our energy on connection to the universe. In doing so, we consciously connect to the source of all that is in existence. When we come out of meditation, we can bring that awareness of connection with us to help us notice outer connections between ourselves and those around us. This increased sensitivity to the world outside of our often preoccupied minds allows us to pay more attention to the moods of others, to care about the difference in their tone of voice or their facial expression and to empathize enough to understand what they may be going through. Today this insightfulness is yours and you can use it to deepen your experience of life.