You may begin the day in truly low spirits today, drained by the exhausting rigors of your responsibilities and the uncontrollable events unfolding around you. Consequently, your first impulse may be to retreat hastily from these worldly stresses in order to nurture yourself through meditative activities. This preference for the serene pleasures of your home can inspire you to look for opportunities to enjoy the pleasant atmosphere of your personal spaces. As you immerse yourself in inactivity, the stress and tension you feel will likely melt away, leaving you in a calm and refreshed state of being. You can prepare yourself to resume your usual level of busyness today by allowing yourself to relax.

To properly recover from the worldly stresses that we face each day in the course of our usual duties, we must submit to regular periods of inactivity that allow us time to rejuvenate. These interludes constitute the downtime that contributes to our well-being by affording us necessary opportunities to mull over the challenges we have recently faced and to put our reactions to those challenges into perspective. In this way, we clear our minds of detritus while simultaneously recovering our energy through physical rest. We emerge from this seclusion in high spirits, eager to immerse ourselves in the challenges that are a part of the cacophonous chaos of our everyday lives. Your low spirits will disappear today when you spend a portion of your time in isolation, engaging in activities that relax and refresh you.