An introspective pull today may find you reflecting on your habits and emotional patterns. You may seem thoughtful to others, or you might notice your mind drifting from the task at hand. If you cannot allow yourself time to go within right now, you may want to jot your thoughts down on paper so that you can reflect upon them later. This may also be guidance from within, telling you to stop what you're doing and consider it fully before moving forward. Your mind or intuitive guidance may be making a connection you haven't understood yet, and by taking time to think about it you could save yourself unneccessary effort. Often the patterns that appear in one area of our lives also come up in others though they may appear to be different. If thoughts of another area of your life are coming up while working on something seemingly unconnected, you may want to examine why and see if there is a connection. By following your urge to go within today, you gain insight into improving your life.

Sometimes the call to turn within may be the call for balance, asking us to swing the pendulum in the other direction after a time of being extroverted. It could also indicate an imbalance that needs to be attended to before it becomes serious. You may be working too hard and not allowing yourself a vacation, or your eating habits may have slipped into an unhealthy mode. By following your introspective feelings today, you make a course correction on your life.