You may feel doubtful and suspicious about the motives of others today. These feelings could make you feel skeptical of compliments you receive or cause you to guard your heart and avoid intimacy in relationships. You might find it beneficial to determine whether your intuition is sending legitimate warning signals or if you are operating from deep-seated fears because of past hurts. To connect more deeply with your intuitive wisdom today, find a quiet place to be alone and release your worrisome thoughts. Focus on relaxing your body and mind, and allow a feeling of peacefulness to flow from your spiritual center. Then turn your thoughts to your feelings of distrust and ask your inner guidance whether they are justified or caused by fears or insecurities.

By tuning into our intuitive wisdom, we can release irrational fears and take greater control over our lives. The source of our feelings can often be vague, which can leave us feeling uncertain about our choices. If we simply take the time to get connected with our intuition, we gain a better understanding of ourselves and our emotions. If we discover that our fears are justified, we can use that knowledge to make wiser choices for ourselves, and if we discover that our feelings are caused by irrational fears, we can work through them and release them. The end result is that we feel much more in control of our emotions and our lives. By seeking a greater understanding of your emotions today, you will gain the freedom of confidence in every interaction.