You may feel secretive and contemplative today. You may be receiving thoughts and feelings that you wish to keep to yourself until you feel you have a deeper sense of clarity about them. While you may not wish to share these thoughts with others, you can still benefit from the expression of them by writing them in a private journal. Simply set aside some quiet time to be alone today, and allow your thoughts and feelings to spill out onto paper, taking care not to edit or censor your writing. Just let the words come as they will, and write until you feel you have purged the feelings from your heart. You should then feel light and uplifted, and you can review your writing to better understand your feelings or simply put the journal aside and let clarity develop over time.

Journaling our thoughts and feelings can help us to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and provide greater insight about our life journey. When our thoughts are jumbled in our minds, they can seem chaotic and overwhelming. By taking time to write our thoughts on paper, we feel purged of inner turmoil and confusion, and we automatically begin to make more sense of our feelings. We may discover insights about ourselves that we otherwise would have missed, or we may receive nudges from our inner wisdom that can lead us down an exciting new path. Writing your thoughts and feelings in a journal today can help you better understand them and gain greater clarity about yourself.