You may feel the desire to lavish yourself with indulgence today. This may mean that you allow yourself to splurge, spending a little more on something you've been wanting, but it may also mean that you choose to spend time on yourself. Think about what gives you a sense of luxury. Though some people may want to go to a spa to be pampered, others may be more than happy with some time to soak in their own bathtub to read or listen to music by candlelight. Where some may imagine a gourmet meal in a sumptuous setting, others may dream of a simple chocolate shake or a freshly baked cookie. Your indulgence may be to buy yourself a new piece of clothing or merely to visit a museum, but today you can treat yourself to whatever makes you feel a sense of abundance and comfort.

Sometime we deny ourselves simple comforts because of a diet or a budget, but we don't want to let ourselves get stuck in a mentality of lack and limitation. If we find ourselves dreaming of a guilty pleasure, we can remove the guilt by reminding ourselves that we deserve an enjoyable, rich, and fulfilling life. We don't need to completely disregard our planning, whether financial or health-related, to enjoy a sense of indulgence. We are creative beings who can find ways to satisfy our cravings and our needs. By giving in to the desires that are calling you today, you affirm your abundance and allow yourself to live life to the fullest.