Let Go, Move Ahead

Capricorn Horoscope

December 15, 2016

You may feel a strong need to be in control today. Challenging situations could leave you feeling impatient and frustrated as you attempt to mold life to your whims. Your mood and mind-set could lead to disappointment, especially if people or circumstances fail to meet your expectations. You can reclaim your positive mood by letting go of your need to be in control. As you relax, you may find that situations turn out better than expected. You also begin to learn to accept what is happening in the moment, rather than what you would like to happen. Go with the flow today, and you may discover that you feel an immense lightness of spirit.

When you can accept what is and go with the flow, your life's journey becomes far less stressful. It is our reactions to people and circumstances rather than the people or circumstances themselves that cause our irksome feelings. When you can let go of your expectations, you are seldom disappointed. If you give yourself over to the universe's forward momentum, you can ride the flow of life. We're never in control of our life to begin with--we just think that we are. Releasing our expectations releases our hold on life so everything can happen to us organically and with the least amount of resistance on our part. Choose to go with the flow of the universe instead of against it today, and you will find that life happens with divine timing and in perfect order.

DailyOM Course Spotlight

Contact Your Angels for Empowerment

by Dawn Lianna M.A.
Would you love to have contact with your Angels? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to communicate with them and have access to their sweet support at any time and place? The truth is, you can get to know your angels even if you have not communicated with them before. As angel stories become more commonplace in our society, many of you wish to have your own contact with the angelic realm. In this easy and empowering 8-week course, you will be given the tools you need to get to know your angels, break through any resistance, and open your heart more fully to your inner guidance. In these turbulent times, there may be no greater gift. The techniques shared in your course are fun and easy to learn. They will help you awaken your intuitive ability, release blocks and frustration, and create a potent and loving connection to your angels.

Learn More

Top 10 DailyOM Courses

1. Be a Divine Conduit for Guides & Angels
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
4. How to Communicate Like a Buddhist
5. 21 Day Total Goddess Workout
6. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
7. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
8. Open Yourself to Your Guides & Angels
9. Skinny Thinking: Taking Off The Weight
10. Break the Grip of Past Lovers

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