A sense that you have allowed circumstance to unduly influence the direction your life has taken may come over you today. You may feel suddenly accountable for the many decisions you have made over the course of your existence and for the outcomes of those choices, whether positive or negative. A sudden need to take your worldly responsibilities, self worth, and most treasured relationships more seriously can guide you to seek out your life's purpose. If you have reflected upon this purpose in the past, you may now wish to abide by it more fully in your everyday life. Consider, today, that you may have a greater degree of influence over the quality of your life and the blessings that come into it than you ever thought possible.

When you choose to take full responsibility for your life, you become the authority of your own destiny and can begin taking steps to fulfill your purpose. You are ultimately in control of the degree of contentment you feel and the level of success you are able to achieve. Since the world is chaotic and unpredictable, many people choose to attribute their discontent or inability to realize their dreams on fate or circumstance. As you come to understand that the power to be all you wish to be lies within your mind, heart, and soul, you will begin to exhibit a new decisiveness. Your life's journey will become a reflection of your ability to attract the blessings you desire. You will become the steward of your happiness and well-being today when you take responsibility for your life.