Decisions you made in the past can cause you to feel unsettled today. When musing upon the consequences your choices have had in your existence as a whole, you may find yourself confused as to the ultimate repercussions of certain decisions. This internal conflict can then cause you to doubt yourself in the present, leading to instances in which you second-guess your intuition. Regaining your confidence, however, may simply be a matter of recognizing that you will seldom face inflexible choices. Your willingness to change your mind today can mean the difference between the melancholy of a lifetime of regret and the comfort of knowing that you possess powers of transformation.

We can live lives free from regret when we acknowledge that acting decisively in the present does not necessarily mean that we cannot change our minds in the future. Though our thought processes may not always immediately lead us to the right choices, we can accomplish a great deal more than we ever thought possible by acting in our interests when opportunities present themselves. We are the sole stewards of our own destinies, so we can always look back and modify our decisions or even channel our energy into entirely new paths of action. We experience far less confusion when we recognize that almost all the choices we are called upon to make are fluid in nature and can be adapted at will. Your conflicted mood will resolve into a sense of satisfaction today when you look at your past decisions in the context of adaptivity.