You may feel optimistic about your relationships and focus on ways you can improve your connections with others today. It might be a good idea to first think about whether your desires are in alignment with those of your loved ones. Rather than assuming you want the same things out of the relationship, you can instead enter into a meaningful dialogue to clarify the needs and desires of those involved. Today would be a good day to express your needs in gentle ways and encourage your loved ones to do the same. The efforts you put forth today can create momentum that will keep your connections strong and close.

By understanding that love is not just a feeling but also an action, we can consciously devote more positive efforts to growing and strengthening our relationships with others. Though we often think of love as a noun, it is also an action verb. When we direct love to someone in our lives, whether that love is in the form of spoken words or kind actions or even thoughts, we direct positive energy to them. This energy becomes part of them and continues to benefit them. As our loved ones also direct loving energy back to us, we create fertile ground for the relationship to grow and prosper. By opening your heart and expressing your love today, you can create the best circumstances for making the kind of connections you want.