You may be feeling inspiring today, which could lead you to motivate others to be more positive about achieving their goals. Helping others may be deeply satisfying for you. Perhaps it is one of your personal goals, or it may be that in helping others you are able to see further evidence of the power of positive thinking. When you give from the inspiration you receive, it keeps you in sync with the flow of the universe and keeps your focus on generating positive results. Today you share in the joy of those who reach their goals and know that you\'ve helped to bring more light into the world.

There are many fringe benefits to helping people attain their goals. You may have come to realize that this energy also helps you manifest your own dreams. By sharing your abilities with others, you make a deposit into an energy bank account. Someday when you need help to build your own dreams, the energy and the help will be there. It doesn\'t need to come from the person you helped; the universe will guide the right person into your path. Another benefit of helping people is that you attract people of like mind into your life, creating a nurturing community for yourself and others--a thriving ecosystem that helps sustain everyone involved and makes the world a better place. By finding positive and creative ways to use your time and energy today, you can enjoy being satisfied with yourself, your life, and your bright future.