Capricorn Daily Horoscope

November 16, 2016
Necessary Restoration
Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Recent obligations could leave you feeling fatigued and stressed today. Your personal and professional duties may seem never-ending and drive you to forgo sleep, rest, and social activities in order to take care of all of them. You may need to allow yourself to put aside all you've been focusing on in order to find an opportunity to relax. While you may be driven to forge ahead, your health and well-being likely depend on your willingness to heed your body's signals and slow down. Even taking short breaks in between tasks and spending some quiet time engaging in an activity that you enjoy can help diffuse any tension you may be feeling because of your busy schedule. Consider making today the start of an extended weekend in order to give yourself a chance to unwind.

Regular rest and relaxation is the key to enjoying a fruitful and healthy life. Often, our many obligations compel us to keep going long after fatigue has set in. Ignoring the body's need to slow down and restore itself, however, can damage your health and leave you feeling overwhelmed with weariness. Taking breaks gives your body an opportunity to let go of tension and repair itself. While resting, you are free to put aside thoughts about your duties and concentrate on enjoying yourself now. When you are willing to let yourself rest today, you'll likely find that you feel healthier and more at peace.
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