A reserved and generally quiet mood can strike you today, compelling you to avoid situations wherein you will be called upon to deal intimately with others. Because you likely feel driven to keep your emotions and opinions hidden from the world around you, you may be less than willing to enter into conversations in which others will ask you personal questions. However, before you close yourself off completely, consider that your friends and family likely thrive on your disclosures. You can be sure that they are not offended by your stillness today by letting them know that you are simply not in the mood to talk.

Our thoughts are indeed our own, but we can help strengthen the relationships that are important to us by revealing those ideas and feelings we initially wish to keep to ourselves. Even when are not in the mood to enter into a decision about our inner musings, we can remind our loved ones how much they mean to us by sharing with them some small part of the mental processes driving us at this point in time. This is not to say that we should pass along information when we feel uncomfortable doing so, but interpersonal bonds do thrive on communication. Even if all we convey are our reasons for remaining silent at this time, the people who care about us will be happy to listen to whatever we choose to tell them. When you share some measure of your thoughts today, you will feel closer to your loved ones as a result.