A need to keep a low profile can influence your choices today as you may feel a strong inclination toward activities that do not require you to take risks or to spend a great deal of time with others. However, in keeping to yourself, you may discover that you feel a growing sense of disconnectedness from the world around you. To ground yourself, you may need to acknowledge that holding back your personal power will likely do nothing to protect you from negativity or fear. Today can be a great time to immerse yourself in philanthropic pursuits that put you in touch with less fortunate individuals and provide you with a means to actively take part in their lives.

We feel like integral and established parts of the world around us when we choose to play active roles in the experiences of those who are in need of our help or support. Our personal power is an important element of the blessings we have been given by the universe, and to make use of this gift is to express our gratitude for it. We demonstrate our commitment to planetwide well-being when we channel our abilities and talents into charitable pursuits that afford us opportunities to positively impact the lives of others. The pride we feel upon knowing that we are capable of changing the world for the better is all the motivation we need. The role you were meant to play in the lives of others will be revealed to you today when you make full use of your personal power.