You may identify closely with your opinions today, which could find you defending them strenuously against criticism. Such zealousness may show your passionate connection to your beliefs but may not accurately communicate them to others. The only time we need to defend our opinions is when we are either unsure of them ourselves or when we are trying to convince someone else of their validity. But neither is necessary if we truly believe in our philosophy. We each have our own paths and understanding. If we can live our beliefs, we teach by example. We can share by answering questions or just sharing who we are. If we can listen to different perspectives and understand, then we may also be able to share our point of view for the understanding of others. Today, you may want to channel your passions into worthwhile pursuits of your own and let others follow their passions where they may lead.

If we have respect for the universe and its wisdom, then we must accept that there is a reason for there to be so many different ways of understanding the world. Just as we believe we are right, there are many others who feel strongly that their way is the right way. By accepting the possibility that we each need a different understanding of the world, and that the universe is working through each of us, then perhaps our passions can be utilized to find connection. Today you have the passion to work for and defend harmony, which is always right.