You might feel frustrated with your goals, which could make you feel stuck today. Although it may seem that nothing is going the way you want it to and that you are trapped by your expectations, if you can keep in mind that your blocks might actually be positive, it might be easier to work with them instead of against them. Perhaps your blocks are a way to rest, reevaluate your goals, and work through your fears. Imagining what holds you back today could help you break through the barriers you have, by trying to picture your concerns and frustrations as a wall in front of you. As you visualize the color, shapes, and texture of this wall, use each breath to try to soften and reshape it, making it permeable and easy to get through. You may find that you become more open and filled with ideas about your future as a result.

Recognizing that the obstacles we face are malleable allows us to reach beyond our fears. So often our blocks can seem like permanent walls that confine us. However, once we see that we can bend, and even remove, these walls through the strength of our minds, we begin to realize that our obstacles are the result of our own thoughts. Our inability to achieve our goals is therefore not due to any external force, but rather to our perceptions about what we can do. By creating a positive view of your life today, nothing will stand in the way of reaching your dreams.