You may be in a highly affectionate mood today and inclined to demonstrate your feelings toward others. This mood may inspire you to reach out to loved ones for their company. Family and friendships may feel more important than usual to you today, particularly if you haven't had much time to bond with your friends and relatives lately. Consider scheduling time to meet up with one or more of your friends to reconnect and enjoy yourselves. Alternatively, a multigenerational family dinner may be just what you need to satisfy your craving for time with loved ones. If you're busy or your loved ones are inaccessible, today may be a good day to take time to write letters to those that occupy your thoughts.

Having a stable network of loved ones is important because they are your solid foundation of support. While situations may shift and blessings may come and go, your loved ones are often the unchanging constant in your life. Loved ones can provide you with the kind of advice and guidance that few other people can because they know you intimately and understand your unique perspective. As you grow and evolve, it is your loved ones that encourage you to do so and remain at your side as you transform. Reconnecting with your loved ones may be all you need to do today to feel loved and appreciated.