Anxiety could plague you today, especially if you doubt your ability to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. You may be uncertain as to whether you are prepared to meet the future or unsure of your knowledge or skills. This could cause you to seek approval from people in positions of authority. While you may feel momentarily more secure when you have earned the approval of others, however, you may not feel any more certain of your abilities. Instead of worrying whether others will disapprove, consider using positive affirmations to build your confidence. As you become more self-assured, the only approval you'll require will be your own. Today can be an auspicious time to begin telling yourself how capable and valuable you are.

When you feel sure of your worth and abilities, you'll never be driven by the need to seek approval from others. Though the people in your life may encourage you with their words, seeking their approval forces you to always consider what others want rather than what you truly desire. Confidence allows you to approve of yourself and lets you judge your progress within the context of your own values and expectations. Approval from others can be as changeable and fleeting as the win. Developing a strong sense of confidence today will allow you to give yourself unconditional approval.