Your interactions may be charged with tension today if you are feeling highly defensive. You may see each new encounter as a source of frustration and thus respond to others in resistant or negative ways. Before you choose to react badly during conversations, consider how your feelings may be driving your responses. Your assumptions and internal frustration may be influencing how you relate to others. Instead of letting your thoughts gravitate toward the negative, try to make a concerted effort to think positively and see others in a positive light. You may be able to turn the tide of a stressful conversation by simply smiling. Others will likely respond to your overtures of goodwill in an affirmative way today.

When you have difficulty relating to certain people, examining your own behavior and mind-set first can help put everyone at ease. Without realizing it, you may be contributing to the tension in your exchanges. Analyzing yourself rather than become frustrated at others' attitudes can help you learn to lead by positive example. Your good mood and friendly manner can inspire the people you encounter to respond in a similarly gracious way. You may also discover that your expectations of negativity from others results in them fulfilling your expectations. Introspection can help you combat such pessimistic patterns of thought. Your willingness to examine your own behavior today may help you keep the majority of your interactions on a positive level.