You may be feeling logical today as you use your common sense to make practical business decisions. Others, however, may find your logic uncommon. Although we call it common sense, it seems to be much less common than we would imagine, and therefore those who are able to take logical steps and make practical decisions end up being leaders in their fields. It translates to efficiency and conservation of resources in the business world, just as it does in our lives. We can save time and effort if we take the time to plan our steps, finding the order that is the most logical. Today by following your own logic as you make decisions regarding business or life, you are able to streamline the process and leave plenty of energy to accomplish more.

By following a process of planning before action, we also follow the laws of the universe. The act of creation for anything in our lives begins as a thought before it becomes manifest in the world. When we take the time to center ourselves and focus our energy on what needs to be accomplished, we can do so progressively, one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. Otherwise, our actions become scattered and our thoughts do as well, causing us to lose time and energy in doing unnecessary things or doing them out of sequence. Today you can be both logical and intuitive by going within and following the universe's order in the creation of your life.