You may find yourself seeking to understand the world beyond your locale today, which could have you feeling broad-minded. You may feel progressive as you look outside your normal sphere of interest to explore the wider world. You might realize you don\'t know the exact location of a country you\'ve heard mentioned. Or you might meet someone from a place you\'ve never heard of before. Whatever draws you out of your well-worn paths to connect to the rest of the world today can be considered a message from the universe and is worth heeding.

Even with the technology available to us today, we are not much different from villagers who receive news from a person traveling across their path. For most of us, unless we know someone from a certain part of the world, or have been there, stories about a faraway place don\'t seem to have much to do with us. But just the opposite is true. Now more than ever, choices we make in our neighborhoods affect people around the world. Our ecology and economies are intertwined, and our planet\'s fate is one we all share. By expanding our thinking to include people in other lands, we become part of a global culture, shifting the balance so that soon we may all make choices while shopping and traveling, driving, and eating that take into consideration our family members around the planet. Your progressive understanding today can be the first step of many to bring together our human family for the good of our home planet.