October 17, 2016
Refreshing Connections
Capricorn Daily Horoscope

A playful mood can inspire you to seek out the company of your loved ones today. You may feel joyful and lighthearted as you move through the various spheres of your life. Though your responsibilities may demand your attention, a large fraction of your focus is likely dedicated to having fun. Consider modifying your usual schedule in order to maximize your ability to spend time with people you find stimulating and amusing. As you enjoy the company of those you esteem highly, you may discover that you feel closer and more emotionally connected to them. You can create shared memories by inviting your friends and family into your home for a casual get-together. You'll likely feel happy as well as emotionally fulfilled today when surrounded by people who stimulate your mind and soul.

Reconnecting with your loved ones through social activity can be a joyful experience that creates communal memories, bringing you closer together emotionally in an organic way. Interpersonal recreation in which two or more people share a task or relate on a lighthearted level has the power to help them find familiar ground and discover all that they have in common. The good times you enjoy with the people you care about create a connection that binds you to one another through unity, camaraderie, and collective experiences. You'll feel a kinship that touches the soul in a pleasant way. As a result, you'll walk away from such unions feeling happy and emotionally refreshed. The bonds you share with your loved ones will grow stronger naturally today as you spend time together.
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