Should you find yourself in the presence of distraught or otherwise discomfited individuals today, your first impulse will likely be to give them comfort. This impulse to be of service may be heightened by the presence of friends and relatives in need of your support or aid. Yet you may feel a strong sense of adoration and affection even if important people do not ask you for help today. To satisfy your desire to aid others, try reaching out to your loved ones in a general fashion in order to tell them how you feel about them. Your declarations of tenderness can help you reaffirm your existing relationships and strengthen new ones.

When we make a point of nurturing the people we care about both when they ask for our support and when they seem to be getting along fine on their own, we demonstrate that our feelings are not dependent on outside factors. Our ongoing presence in their lives is an indication of the general purity of the connection we have established. We do not regard adoration or tenderness as a situational tool that is brought out when absolutely necessary. Instead, we understand that love is a constant that exists whether it has a reason for being or not, and we are consequently moved to express our affectionate emotions freely and without hesitation in an astoundingly wide variety of circumstances. As you reach out to the important people in your life today, you will comprehend the everlasting and unconditional quality of your feelings.