Events and situations that inspire strong emotions within you can touch you deeply today. Consequently, you may respond more powerfully than usual to negative stimuli, like criticism and disapproval, rather than letting them slide off your back unheeded as you might otherwise do. This heightened sensitivity may be the result of your tiredness or over-stimulation. The simplest way of reigning in your emotional susceptibility may be to remove yourself from those circumstances that cause you stress, in order to spend some time nurturing yourself. If you allow yourself to rest and renew your energy today, you will likely find that you can respond to even the most jarring incidents in a rational and clearheaded fashion.

We protect ourselves from exhaustion each time we choose to rest and rejuvenate rather than push ourselves to the point of exhaustion during busy periods in our lives. Many people feel they must press on under any circumstances because they erroneously believe that they do not deserve to relax. Yet, when we extend ourselves too far, our ability to meet our obligations is compromised by our eventual mental and physical fatigue. Relaxation restores us, providing us with the energy that allows us to approach the next leg of our journeys with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. We become more efficient in the various spheres of our lives each time we indulge our need for rest. Because you are willing to put aside your responsibilities in order to take a break today, you will maintain your serenity in even the most distressing circumstances.